…list here). Email info@IMSAPAC.org if you have any questions. imsa.edu mailto:info@IMSAPAC.org mailto:FridayFest@IMSAPAC.org mailto:SeniorBanquet@IMSAPAC.org mailto:SeniorBanquet@IMSAPAC.org http://Treasurer@imsapac.org/ https...
…IMSA. Page 4 IMSA has experienced, in the past two years, an absolute collapse of anything that looks like leadership. Everything is frozen. The President and Principal’s offices are...
Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy Emeritus Faculty Establishes International Travel Endowment Fund On October 4th one of IMSA’s original faculty members and current IMSA Emeritus, Dr. David Workman, made...
2019-2020 LEAD Student Schedule This schedule is a list of LEAD events for the upcoming school year. Please keep in mind that due to unforeseeable circumstances, all dates are s...
Final Exam Schedule Fall 2019 Note: This schedule is subject to minor changes. Please check regularly at https://www.imsa.edu/academic- calendar/ Monday 12/16 8:00–10:00AM MI 4 Fogel, Davis, Meng, Shirley West...