Summer@ IMSA FAQs
Registration-related Questions
A. Summer@IMSA programs are first-come, first-served and programs fill quickly, so register as soon as you select the best program for your student. A. You may opt for an alternate program or elect to join the waiting list for your preferred program. If space becomes available, you will be contacted and required to pay the registration fee within approximately 2 days of receiving the email. After such time, the seat will be offered to the next person on the waitlist. A. No—our programs are great opportunities to learn and have fun with other students of similar ages. A. A limited number of financial-need-based scholarships are available for all of our programs. Look for the “Apply for a Scholarship” button. Scholarships are awarded on a rolling basis, so it is to your advantage to complete all parts of the scholarship application in a timely manner. For Aurora programs (excluding Integrated Science - please see this page for specific details on this program), the student’s family must submit evidence of their financial need to qualify for a scholarship. If a family qualifies for SNAP or Free/Reduced lunch, they are eligible for an IMSA scholarship. If you do not have a document in your possession showing SNAP or Free/Reduced lunch participation or have difficulty getting it from your school or IDHS, you may submit a screenshot showing eligibility. Alternatively, a 2021 or 2022 federal tax return showing proof of family income may be submitted. Please contact us at if you have difficulty with this requirement. For Metro East Day Programs, students can qualify for summer program scholarships either through military affiliation OR financial need. Please see this page for details. Applying and qualifying for a scholarship does not guarantee you will receive a scholarship award, nor does it hold a spot for you in the programs since our scholarships are limited. Award recipients will be notified via email and must reply to the scholarship offer within the time period indicated in the email. WATCH YOUR EMAIL and CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER! Scholarship recipients must pay an administrative fee to confirm their attendance in our weeklong programs - $30 for day programs and $50 for residential programs. You may either pay for program registration OR apply for a scholarship and await award notification. Your scholarship application will not be considered if you complete a paid registration. No refund requests whatsoever will be granted less than 2 weeks prior to camp start day. No refunds will be made to a camper/student who, for disciplinary reasons, is asked to leave Summer@IMSA. We do not issue credits for any days students may miss. Cancellation/refund requests due to major illness, accident or death in the immediate family prior to the camp session start will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will need to be accompanied by written documentation. A. For select programs, there may be more than one pod (classroom) for each program. IMSA will do its best to honor one mutual friend request to pair two students in the same program pod. Please note only one mutual friend request to be placed in the same class— the first one we receive–will be honored. No exceptions. Due to the small class size, we will not honor requests to put groups of 3 or more students together. Participants must request each other for the request to be fulfilled. Requested parties must be registered for the same program (i.e., a participant in the 3-4 program cannot be grouped with a participant in the 5-6 program). The form must be completed again for each additional program. The form is due two weeks before the program starts. We cannot accommodate requests made after this date. Please note we reserve the right to separate friends if their pairing results in disruptive behavior. This form can be filled out online by logging in to your account and clicking on My Programs after completing registration. This information will also be communicated in the confirmation email you will receive soon after registering.
Q. When is the application deadline for these programs?
Q. I tried to register online, but my preferred program is full. What are my options?
Q. My student is accelerated or gifted. Can they attend a program for a grade level beyond the one they are entering?
Q. I'm interested in a financial scholarship for my student. How do I apply?
Q. What is the refund policy?
A. Please choose your programs carefully. The refund policies are as follows:
Q. My student has a friend or relative registered in the program. Can you arrange for them to be in the same section?
Health and Other Questions
A. Tell us your concerns in the Health Information section of the registration form. We cannot allow students with acute contagious conditions to attend our programs, but students with conditions such as asthma or ADHD can attend and enjoy our programs. Students with Epi-pens and inhalers are required to carry their own medication. Our nurse is on duty at the IMSA campus in Aurora. Other personnel are trained in first aid. A. We do not administer prescription medications during day programs and will only provide children with over-the-counter medications (i.e. ibuprofen) if you permit the nurse to do so. If your child has a prescription that they need during the day, they must carry it and administer it themselves. If your child requires a narcotic prescription during the day, a parent/guardian will need to come to campus to administer this unless advance, specific arrangements are made directly with the IMSA health office. For residential programs, campers will turn in their prescription medications to the Residential Counselor (RC) upon arrival on campus. The nurse and RC will coordinate prescription medication dispensing. .
Q. What should I do if my student has health issues or concerns?
Q. How should I handle medication?
Day-to-Day Procedures
A.For Aurora day programs, students may bring a refillable water bottle. Campers change classrooms frequently, so we recommend a backpack if needed because losing or leaving things behind is easy. Materials and equipment for all camp activities are provided. For the Aurora-based Avantor Integrated Science residential program, here is a suggested packing list. All meals, materials, and equipment will be provided. For Metro East programs, students may bring a refillable water bottle. Materials and equipment for all camp activities are provided. A. Our device policy is similar to many schools—they are not allowed during the program day (except at lunch for Avantor residential program students). Teachers may confiscate phones if they are being used inappropriately. A. You will receive a more detailed email with additional information approximately one week before the start of the program. For day programs, be prepared to check in with program personnel and meet your students’ group leader on the first morning. For residential programs, students arrive after dinner on Sunday. There will be a short meeting for families to review the program expectations and meet program staff, and then campers will move into the residence hall. No - identical camp sessions will run in the morning and afternoon for all 5th/6th and 7th/8th grade camps. Children interested in these camps may only register for either the AM session (8:30-11:30am) or PM session (12:30-3:30pm). This applies to Aurora-based programs only as program times vary across program locations. A. We do not provide extended care. Please be timely and prompt with drop-off and pick-up for the best and safest experience for every participant. IMSA programs conclude daily with a parent pickup window of 15 minutes past the communicated program end time. Any parent/guardian picking up a child late will be assessed a fee of $15 per child for any pickup 15 minutes late and $5 per 5-minute period after that (i.e., 15-19 min. late = $15, 20-24 min. late = $20, 25-29 min. late =$25, etc.). Late fees are due on the child’s next day of camp. A. We cannot give out personal information about other participants. In the past, parents have introduced themselves to others to connect and form carpools. A. Please authorize the other driver on the Emergency Contact and Health form during online registration. It’s also helpful to speak to your child's group leader so they are aware that a different person may be picking up your child.
Q. What items should my student bring to the program each day?
Q. What is your policy on devices?
Q. What should I expect on the first day of the program?
Q. Can I sign my student up for the AM and PM session of camp?
Q. Is extended care available before or after hours?
Q. I’d like to carpool with someone; can I have information on other participants in my area?
Q. My student is going to be picked up by someone else, how do I authorize that?