Two SIR Students Represent IMSA at the International Students Science Fair (ISSF) | Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Two SIR Students Represent IMSA at the International Students Science Fair (ISSF)

The International Students Science Fair (ISSF) brings together students who are passionate about innovative research and allows them to meet and collaborate with students from across the world. In December, two SIR seniors traveled to the Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics, and Technology in Australia. Each year, ISSF focuses on the UN Sustainable Development goals that bring attention to various global challenges, like health and well-being or sustainable development

Divya Brahmbhatt ’24 presented, “Precision Immuno-RadioNanoTheranotics for Metastatic Cancer” which aims to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes for patients with ovarian cancer. His research focuses on X-ray-induced photodynamic therapy (XPDT), with specific emphasis on Immuno-RadioNanoTherapy (IRNT).

Joshua Lee ’24 presented “Soil Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation: Understanding Enzyme Temperature Optimum and Function for Soil Organic Carbon Stability” which aims to tackle climate change by lowering the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the air by storing carbon in vegetation, soil, and oceans.