…Response options include: Bold Colors: green, yellow, purple (Avoid gray hues, red and blue) Highlight “Revision #2” must be written below your name, date and course secti...
…Audacity, QuickTime •colored pens (other than blue, black, and green) for editing and correcting •flash drive large enough to store and transfer videos •highlighter (colors of your choice) •headphones,...
…to store and transfer videos •highlighter (colors of your choice) •headphones, with microphone •3-ring binder with loose-leaf paper and dividers (can be handmade): apuntes evaluaciones gramática lecturas tarea...
…numbers 1-100 Grammar: dative case of personal pronouns Culture: 24-hour clock, Russian grading system Unit Five: Adjectives (three weeks) Vocabulary: colors, adjective to describe external and internal characteristics, age...
…inch 3-ring binder, ONE 70 or 100-page composition notebook with RED cover (same style as Chinese II), pencils, and pens of varied colors. World Language Expectations for End of...