…outside of class, students are strongly advised to use: http://www.larousse.fr/ http://www.bescherelle.com/ A valuable resource for confirming verb conjugations * Pens of various colors http://www.lepointdufle.net/...
… Colors: green, yellow, purple (Avoid gray hues, red and blue) Highlight “Revision #2” must be written below your name, date and course section number on the upper rig...
…Response options include: Bold Colors: GREEN, ORANGE, PURPLE (Avoid gray hues, RED and BLUE) Highlight “Revision #2” must be written below your name, date and course secti...
…and how to use it correctly to enhance colors and crop images correctly. Break down by class: Meeting 1 Working in computer lab to complete uploads printing project 3...
…Response options include: Bold Colors: GREEN, ORANGE, PURPLE (Avoid gray hues, RED and BLUE) Highlight “Revision #2” must be written below your name, date and course secti...