…Office: B147 B120B inside B120A E100A inside E100 Phone: 907-5901 907-5072 907-5949 Email: lkopff@imsa.edu jthurmond@imsa.edu awhite@imsa.edu Office Hours*: A days- 7th mod C days- 3rd mod B/D days 11:40...
…will gain experience in various bio-techniques to investigate these topics. The majority of the content is encountered through a guided inquiry process. Instructor: Dr. Angie Ahrendt Office: B105A Email:...
…Angie Ahrendt Office: B105A 630-907-5021 aahrendt@imsa.edu Meeting Days and Time: All classes meet in Room A207 BD Days Mods 5-6 Office Hours: C days mod 2 and D days...
…T O R : Dr. Kotlarczyk Office A126 Telephone number: 907-5888 Email address(es): akotlarczyk@imsa.edu Text(s) / Materials: You will be expected to bring your current reading packets (critical essays,...
…equipment do so without the instructor or IMSA taking responsibility. Essential Content: Physical activity is critical to the development and maintenance of good health. The goal of IMSA Wellness...