…to ~1600 • Maximum IMSA student score = 1545 (sophomore) & 1550 (senior) • Only around 1/4 of IMSA students have reached Advanced level by senior year CWRA+ Testing...
…have any questions about the Student Emergency Relief Fund, please reach out to Mrs. Tami Armstrong at tarmstrong@imsa.edu. imsa.edu https...
…questions about the Student Emergency Relief Fund, please reach out to Mrs. Tami Armstrong at tarmstrong@imsa.edu. imsa.edu mailto:ktessmer@embraceliving.org https://www.imsa.edu/student-life/service-learning/ https...
…https://app.imsa.edu/account/password/index I want to get my mobile phone on the public network, what is the password? The IMSAPublic network is available for your personal devices with password: IMSAfall20 mailto:helpdesk@imsa.edu...
…be completed and submitted by April 13, 2021. IMSAloqium Practice Day Practice Day for IMSAloqium is on April 13, 2021. IMSAloqium This year, IMSAloqium will be held on April...