2025 imsa schedule | Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Moving and Learning Syllabus S20

…630-907-5955 Email address dlundgren@imsa.edu mmyers@imsa.edu Office Hours Mod 3 A/D Days Mod 5 A/D Days Meeting Days, Time and Room(s): Subject to change based on Academy schedule. Section 5/6...


…the entire IMSA academy. It is expected that students will understand and adhere to the concept of academic integrity and to the standards of conduct prescribed by IMSA’s policy...


…Prerequisite: Moving and Learning Instructor: Instructor Name Mr. David Lundgren Office Number D-112 Telephone number 630-907-5474 Email address dlundgren@imsa.edu Office Hours By Appointment A/D Days: Mod 3 Meeting Days,...

Medicinal chemistry syllabus s20

…jthurmond@imsa.edu Class schedule A/C 7-8 & B/D 1-2 Office hours AC days 11:40-12:40 or by appointment Text(s) / Materials No text required. Students will need a laptop computer, notebook,...

Electricity and Magnetism_Spring_2020

…Ms. Schmidt, bschmidt@imsa.edu, B105A Office Hours: TBA or as arranged with instructor Meeting Days, Time and Room(s) See Power School for current schedule. All Calculus Based Physics classes meet...