Dr. Sowmya Anjur

Dr. Sowmya Anjur

HomepageANJUR SOWMYA.jpgDuring Dr. Anjur’s 18-year tenure at IMSA, she served as Science faculty and the lead coordinator of SIR (2020-2023). Dr. Anjur demonstrated her strong commitment to IMSA through her presentations for Professional Learning Day, teaching multiple summer programs for IMSA’s CTL, and promoting international student discussions.

Throughout her tenure, Dr. Anjur served the academy with distinction, playing an integral role in creating interdisciplinary curricula and allotting time in her classes to enhance student awareness and promote discussion of diversity and social justice issues. Dr. Anjur shared her classroom experiences as an invited speaker for IMSA’s STEM Equity series.

Dr. Anjur has been consistent in her efforts to integrate scholarly learning, not only into her classroom but also to develop herself professionally. She is a renewed National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) in Adolescent and Young Adulthood Science and continues to mentor other NB candidates. She was very proactive in presenting her work at conferences and conducting teacher workshops from 2010 until her retirement in 2023.

Dr. Anjur has received several awards including the Principal’s Teaching Award (2017), the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Northrop Grumman Foundation Excellence in Engineering Education Award, (2021), IMSA’s Lederman Scholar Award (2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023) and the Promising Projects Award from the Illinois Association for Gifted Children (2017, 2018, 2019). Dr. Anjur has published many papers in scholarly journals during her time at IMSA and continues to publish even after her retirement. Her work has been incorporated into IMSA’s Digital Commons.

After retirement, Dr. Anjur worked on an NSF grant with IMSA faculty and has been working closely with IMSA faculty on an interdisciplinary curriculum.