Science Faculty
Sowmya Anjur has been an educator for the last 24 years and currently teaches Science at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. She holds Masters degrees in Clinical Biochemistry and Microbial Biochemistry and received her doctorate in Biochemistry and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology from Iowa State University. Sowmya also holds a diploma in Civil Engineering. Her unique and versatile background enables her to perceive education from a multi-disciplinary angle, and she is constantly integrating different disciplines such as engineering, computer science and biophysics into her pathophysiology classroom. Sowmya’s classes have been developed to be mostly student-centered with many hands-on activities to develop and nurture student creativity and enhance articulation. She incorporates high tech, challenging and inter-disciplinary projects such as the construction of heart models, Arduino heart rate and blood pressure monitors and other bioengineering topics into her Physiology classes. She has pioneered teaching diversity in the science classroom and strives to promote equity and excellence in her teaching.
Sowmya Anjur, PhD: SelectedWorks Author Profile
Office: B158
Phone: x5941