Four Students from the Drug Discovery SIR Course Present at the Spring Symposium for Emerging Scientists | Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Four Students from the Drug Discovery SIR Course Present at the Spring Symposium for Emerging Scientists

Four students from the Drug Discovery SIR Course presented their research investigations on April 25, 2024, at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS) ePoster Spring Symposium for Emerging Scientists. The ABRCMS ePoster Spring Symposium for Emerging Scientists is a unique opportunity for high school, community college, and first-year undergraduate students to build their scientific presentation skills and receive feedback from science mentors. The following students were mentored by Dr. John Thurmond and received these recognitions. 

Alyssa Hernandez ’25 – Oral Presentation Awardee, Synthesis of Potential Treatments for Leishmaniasis  

Mila Wolkowitz ’25 – Outstanding ePoster Awardee, Synthesis of Amide Derivatives as Preclinical Drug Candidates for Visceral Leishmaniasis  

Ayan Trivedi ’25 – Poster Presentation, Synthesis of a Benzoxazole Derivative to be Used for the Treatment of Tropical Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

Dylan Xianto ’25 – Poster Presentation, Leishmaniasis and its Potential Treatments Through Synthesis and Computation